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- ;*******************************************************
- ;*
- ;* Main program file for HERCBIOS
- ;*
- ;* Dave Tutelman - 8/86
- ;*
- ;*------------------------------------------------------
- ;*
- ;* INT10 -- acts as pre-handler for video interrupts
- ;* (BIOS calls) for Hercules & SuperComputer
- ;* monochrome graphics board. Calls real BIOS
- ;* if not a Hercules special. Handled here are:
- ;*
- ;* Fn 0 Set mode (only 6 & 8)
- ;* and all functions, when in mode 6 or 8.
- ;* Actually, we've only implemented:
- ;* Fn 2 Set cursor position
- ;* Fn 3 Read cursor position
- ;* Fn 5 New display page
- ;* Fn 9 Write character with attribute
- ;* Fn 10 Write character
- ;* Fn 12 Write pixel
- ;* Fn 13 Read pixel
- ;* Fn 14 Teletypewriter-style character write
- ;* Fn 15 Get video status
- ;*
- ;* The only allowable modes for these boards are:
- ;* 6 IBM graphics (we handle it, but poor aspect ratio).
- ;* 7 Monochrome (with 2 pages)
- ;* 8 Hercules graphics mode.
- ;*
- ;**********************************************************
- ;
- INCLUDE hercbios.h
- extrn writechar:near,tty:near,scroll_up:near,scroll_down:near
- extrn scr_start:word,scr_length:word,num_rows:byte
- extrn wr_pixel:near
- extrn end_herc:near
- public exit_herc_bios,int10,vid_vector
- public set_mode,set_curs,read_curs,new_page,status
- ;-----------------------------------------
- page
- ;************************************************************
- ;*
- ;* Install the Hercules video handler
- ;*
- ;************************************************************
- cseg segment public
- assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
- ORG 100h
- ;
- ;
- push ax
- push es
- push ds
- ;
- xor ax,ax ; zero the acc
- mov es,ax ; ES points to zero (interrupt vector)
- ; Get ROM BIOS video entry point, and save in "rom_bios"
- mov ax,es:[4*VIDI]
- mov word ptr cs:rom_bios,ax
- mov ax,es:[4*VIDI+2]
- mov word ptr cs:rom_bios+2,ax
- ; Now plant the HERCBIOS entry point in interrupt vector
- mov ax,offset int10 ; address of video handler to AX
- mov es:[4*VIDI],ax ; and store it in interrupt vector 10H
- mov ax,cs ; same for the segment of video handler
- mov es:[4*VIDI+2],ax ; ...
- ;
- ; Leave the message that we're installed
- mov ax,cs ; DS:DX pointing to message
- mov ds,ax
- mov dx,offset install_msg
- mov ah,9 ; display-string function
- int 21h
- pop ds
- pop es
- pop ax
- ;
- mov dx,offset end_herc ; set dx to end of this program
- int 27H ; terminate, but stay resident
- ;
- install_msg db "BIOS for Hercules-compatible Graphics - "
- db "(DMT Aug 1986)",10,13,'$'
- page
- ;************************************************************
- ;*
- ;* Beginning of video interrupt handler
- ;*
- ;************************************************************
- ;
- ;
- int10 proc far
- ;
- sti ; allow further interrupts
- push ds ; save DS
- push ax ; save AX
- mov ax,bios_data ; bios data segment --> AX
- mov ds,ax ; now put bios data segment in DS
- assume ds:bios_data ; and tell assembler about it
- ; ; check current mode
- mov ah,video_mode ; get current mode
- cmp ah,herc_mode ; test for a graphics mode
- je herc_bios
- cmp ah,ibm_mode
- je herc_bios
- ; ; setmode to a graphics mode?
- pop ax ; restore AX
- push ax ; ...but leave it on stack
- cmp ax,0006 ; Fn = set to IBM hi-res mode?
- je herc_bios
- cmp ax,0008 ; Fn = set to Herc graphics mode?
- je herc_bios
- ;
- norm_bios: ; if we get here, just go to real BIOS
- pop ax ; restore stack to pre-interrupt state
- pop ds
- db 0EAh ; opcode for FAR JUMP to rom_bios
- rom_bios dd ? ; normal video bios address (in ROM)
- ;
- herc_bios: ; jump table for special Hercules BIOS
- ;
- pop ax ; restore ax
- push bx ; save regs
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push es
- ;
- push ax
- mov al,ah ; function # to AX
- xor ah,ah
- shl ax,1 ; *2 for word vector
- mov si,ax ; put in SI to index into vector
- pop ax ; restore old AX
- cmp si,offset vid_vec_end-offset vid_vector
- ; function number within range?
- jge exit_herc_bios ; function number out of range
- add si,offset vid_vector
- jmp word ptr cs:[si]
- ; jump to routine via vector
- ;
- vid_vector: ; jump vector for hercules video routines
- dw offset set_mode ; 0 = set mode
- dw offset exit_herc_bios ; 1 = cursor type (NA)
- dw offset set_curs ; 2 = set cursor position
- dw offset read_curs ; 3 = read cursor position
- dw offset exit_herc_bios ; 4 = light pen (NA)
- dw offset new_page ; 5 = choose active page
- dw offset scroll_up ; 6 = scroll up
- dw offset scroll_down ; 7 = scroll down
- dw offset exit_herc_bios ; 8 = read character (NA)
- dw offset writechar ; 9 = write char & attribute
- dw offset writechar ;10 = write character
- dw offset exit_herc_bios ;11 = set color palette (NA)
- dw offset wr_pixel ;12 = write pixel
- dw offset wr_pixel ;13 = read pixel
- dw offset tty ;14 = teletype write
- dw offset status ;15 = return video state
- vid_vec_end:
- ;
- exit_herc_bios:
- pop es ; restore regs
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ds
- iret ; and return
- page
- ;********************************************************************
- ;*
- ;*
- ;* Only gets here to set a hi-res graphics mode
- ;* 6=IBM
- ;* 8=Hercules
- ;* [ AX destroyed ]
- ;*
- ;*******************************************************************
- ;
- set_mode:
- ; ; is it a graphics mode?
- cmp al,herc_mode ; set to hercules mode?
- je g_mode
- cmp al,ibm_mode ; set to IBM mode?
- je g_mode
- ; Neither. Leave it to normal BIOS
- pop es ; restore regs
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ds
- jmp vid_bios ; and go to MPX-16 BIOS
- ;
- g_mode: mov video_mode,al ; save video mode in BIOS data area
- mov active_page,ah ; zero the active page in BIOS data
- mov n_cols,90 ; 90 character columns in graphics mode
- ;
- ;* clear display area
- mov ax,pixbase ; get starting address
- mov es,ax ; page base to ES
- mov cx,8000H ; word counter
- mov di,0 ; start at beginning of display
- cld ; direction "up"
- xor ax,ax ; zero AX
- rep stosw ; write zero to both pages
- ;
- ;* load the 6845 internal registers
- ;
- ; ; first set up the loop
- push ds ; save DS
- mov ax,cs ; get cseg into DS
- mov ds,ax
- assume ds:cseg
- mov dx,vid_port ; 6845 index port address to DX
- mov si,offset vid_parm_table
- ; table pointer to SI
- mov cx,16 ; 16 parameters in table
- xor ax,ax ; zero AX (AH will be index counter)
- ; ; now execute the loop
- init_6845_loop:
- mov al,ah ; index counter to AL
- out dx,al ; output index to 6845
- inc dx ; point DX to data reg
- mov al,[si] ; get table entry
- out dx,al ; output to 6845 data reg
- dec dx ; point DX back to index reg
- inc ah ; bump index counter
- inc si ; bump table pointer
- loop init_6845_loop
- pop ds ; restore DS
- assume ds:bios_data ; restore DS assumed
- ;
- ;* now set the 6845 control register
- mov dx,vid_port+4 ; control port address
- mov al,0AH ; graphics control byte
- cmp active_page,0 ; get current page
- je pg0_F0 ; skip if zero
- or al,80H ; page 1 to control byte
- pg0_F0: out dx,al ; and ship to 6845
- mov chip_ctrl,al ; also save in bios data area
- ;
- ;* save cursor position (0,0) in bios data area
- xor ax,ax ; zero AX
- mov curs_pos,ax ; write zero to pg.0 cursor postion
- mov curs_pos+2,ax ; write zero to pg.1 cursor postion
- ;
- ;* initialize scrolling parameters
- ;
- cmp video_mode,herc_mode
- je h_parm
- mov cs:scr_start,180 ; IBM parameters
- mov cs:scr_length,3690 ;
- mov cs:num_rows,42 ;
- jmp parm_done
- h_parm: mov cs:scr_start,270 ; Herc parameters
- mov cs:scr_length,3645 ;
- mov cs:num_rows,28 ;
- parm_done:
- ;
- jmp exit_herc_bios
- ;
- ;* table of 6845 chip parameters
- ;
- vid_parm_table db 53,45,46,7,91,2,87,87,2,3,62H,3,0,0,0,0
- ;vid_parm_table db 54,45,46,8,91,2,87,87,2,3,62H,3,0,0,0,0
- ;DMT's monitor
- page
- ;********************************************************************
- ;*
- ;*
- ;* DX = new row (DH) and column (DL)
- ;* BH = display page number
- ;*
- ;********************************************************************
- ;
- set_curs:
- ;
- ; * save in BIOS data area
- mov bl,bh ; page # to bl
- xor bh,bh ; zero bh (page # = BX)
- shl bx,1 ; times 2 for word
- mov curs_pos[bx],dx ; store in data area
- ;
- ; * if page # = active page, then we should actually move cursor
- ; * However, cursor doesn't show in graphics mode, so we won't.
- ;
- jmp exit_herc_bios
- ;
- page
- ;********************************************************************
- ;*
- ;*
- ;* on entry
- ;* BH = display page number
- ;*
- ;* on exit
- ;* CX = cursor type/size
- ;* DX = current row (DH) and column (DL)
- ;*
- ;********************************************************************
- ;
- read_curs:
- ; ; uncover the return portion of the stack
- pop es
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- ; ; now get the data and push onto stack
- push curs_mode ; cursor type to CX position in stack
- mov bl,bh ; page # to BX
- xor bh,bh
- shl bx,1 ; *2 for word offset
- push curs_pos[bx] ; cursor position for specified page
- ; to DX position in stack
- ; ; refill the stack for return
- push si
- push di
- push es
- ;
- jmp exit_herc_bios
- page
- ;********************************************************************
- ;*
- ;*
- ;* AL = new display page number
- ;*
- ;********************************************************************
- ;
- new_page:
- cmp al,2 ; page < 2?
- jl f5_1 ; yup
- jmp exit_herc_bios ; nope. can't do it.
- ;
- f5_1: mov active_page,al ; put away active page in bios data
- ; * put starting address in 6845 register 12
- mov ah,al ; save page number in AH
- mov dx,vid_port ; index pointer address
- mov al,12 ; save in register 12
- out dx,al ; and set index pointer to 12
- mov al,ah ; restore page to AL
- ror al,1 ; page to high-order bit
- shr al,1 ; two bytes per word
- inc dx
- out dx,al ; ...and output it to register
- ; * put control byte in 6845 port
- mov al,ah ; get back page number
- ror al,1 ; page to high-order bit
- or al,0AH ; create chip control byte
- mov chip_ctrl,al ; save it in data area
- mov dx,vid_port+4 ; control port address
- out dx,al ; send control byte to chip
- ;
- jmp exit_herc_bios
- page
- ;***********************************************************************
- ;*
- ;*
- ;* On exit:
- ;* AL = current video mode
- ;* AH = number of active display columns
- ;* BH = current active page number
- ;*
- ;***********************************************************************
- ;
- status:
- ; ; first uncover the stack
- pop es
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- ; ; now get the parameters needed
- mov al,video_mode
- mov ah,90 ; all our graphics modes have 90 cols
- mov bh,active_page
- ; ; and push back onto the stack for return
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push es
- ;
- jmp exit_herc_bios
- ;
- int10 endp
- ;
- cseg ends
- end START